International PhD Symposium

International PhD Symposium at the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio: a Triumph of Research and Innovation
#RicercaUnicas #InternationalUnicas #PhDUnicas
In an extraordinary academic setting, Unicas hosted the International PhD Symposium on Engineering and Sport Science. The three-day symposium concluded today, leaving an indelible mark on the academic landscape. One of the unique aspects of this symposium was the organisational role played by PhD students from the university's Methods, Models and Technologies for Engineering course. under the coordination of Professor Fabrizio Marignetti. PhD student Salman Ali was the general co-chair of the Symposium, ensuring its organisation and success. This dynamic synergy between lecturers and students underlined the spirit of collaboration and innovation that is the hallmark of this institution. This event was made possible thanks to the enthusiasm and outstanding commitment of the students, who were divided into various committees:
Steering Committee
Professor Fabrizio Marignetti, General Chair
Salman Ali, General Co-Chair
Romolo Di Bernardo, Coordinator
Program Committee
Lidia Piccerello, Inter Committees Coordinator.
Carmine Bourelly, Alessia Tescione, Hedieh Taremezadieh, Romolo di Bernardo
Advertisement Committee
Mirko Sgambettara, Hamza Mustafa
Template Committee
Ciro Russo, Sara Perna, Giorgio Grossi, Marco Cantone, Emanuele Nardone
Over fifty researchers, both national and international, gathered in the picturesque town of Cassino to participate in this event. They presented their cutting-edge research, spanning a multitude of disciplines, from technology and science to the humanities and social sciences. This rich diversity of topics reflects the multidisciplinary approach for which the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio is renowned. One of the distinctive features of this symposium was also the unprecedented involvement of doctoral students as plenary session chairs, co-chairs and organisers. This progressive approach not only provided students with an invaluable opportunity to hone their leadership and organisational skills, but also demonstrated the university's commitment to fostering the next generation of scholars. The success of the symposium extended far beyond the academy lecture halls. It served as a platform to foster meaningful connections between researchers, scholars and students from around the world. These connections have the potential to produce groundbreaking collaborations and ignite innovative research efforts in the future. This symposium was not only a showcase of the university's research excellence, but a testament to its ongoing commitment to cultivating the intellectual leaders of tomorrow. As the final day of the symposium draws to a close, participants and organisers can look back with pride, knowing that they played a key role in an event that will resonate throughout the academic community. The University of Cassino and Lazio Meridionale has once again demonstrated that it is at the forefront of global academia and its students are destined to be the torchbearers of future innovation.