Guide for company

Information and guide for company

Guide for companies

Companies are required to follow one of the two procedure:

Option 1

       Step 1: Registration to the AlmaLaurea platform (website is required to proceed with the agreement).

       Step 2: In the 'Agreement and internships' menu, select 'Agreements' and then click on 'Add new agreement'. 

       Step 3: In documental management, you must attach the Company Registration Report or similar. 

Proceed as follows

Step 1 - Register on the AlmaLaurea platform Click here


Step 2Click here

If you need help filling out the agreement check out this guide

Option 2: Only if unable to use option 1

The company must send to, using the official email of the company, the following documents

         A) The internship agreement template (file pdf)

         B) Company's data (file pdf)

         C) The Company Registration Report or similar

         D)  It is mandatory to send the company website by email to proceed with the agreement

It will take 1-2 business days for the approval of the agreement and 5-7 business days for the activation of the agreement.

Information for students about curricular internship

Information for students about curricular internship

Find a company for internship
To do the curricular internship of your study plan, you need:
• A hosting enterprise
• An academic tutor
• A tutor in the enterprise
Foreign students who speak fluent English, but not fluent Italian, can do their internship in Italy or abroad.
Follow the instructions below to consult a list of Italian or foreign enterprises offering internships for foreign students:
1. Consult this page LINK 
You will find the abbreviations *FS* or *FOR* before the names of the enterprises. FS indicates the Italian enterprises which will accept Foreign Students who do not speak fluent Italian. *FOR* indicates foreign enterprises.
2. Contact the enterprise submitting your application and ask if there are internships available in the period of time that is most suitable for you, and what internship projects the enterprise is interested in (business, services, customer care etc.)
3. Once you got an answer from the enterprise and you know about the opportunities you have, discuss it with your academic tutor. If your tutor approves it, ask them to send an email containing a possible research project for that enterprise to request the internship.
4. See the job offers board page by clicking here 
5. To request an internship through Almalaurea, the enterprise must follow this Guide.
Helping foreigner company to sign an agreement with Unicas.
If you do not get any answer or find a suitable enterprise in the list, you can propose an Italian or foreign enterprise willing to host you, following these procedures:
For Italian company send this LINK
For foreign enterprise consult this Guide.
The timing to implement a new agreement depends on the enterprise. Usually, it takes 5-7 working days from the moment the documents are submitted.
For students
Students are not required to send any documentation regarding internship agreement between the company and the University.