The ECTS scheme is a tool that ensures the transfer of academic results (expressed in terms of grades) between different national evaluation systems, in a fair and transparent way.
The use of the ECTS scheme is one of the commitments undertaken by the University for the application of the ECHE (European Charter for Higher Education), essential documents enabling access to European education programmes.
According to the new "ECTS Users' Guide" published by the European Commission in 2009, voting procedures have been simplified.
The ECTS scale divided into 5 levels (A: 10% higher; B: next 25%, C: next 30%, D: next 25%; E: 10% lower) has been replaced by the ECTS Table for the conversion of grades: This is a simple statistical distribution of marks based on the scale used in the different national systems, drawn up for each course of study or for each group of homogeneous courses. It allows for an immediate comparison of voting between two or more systems and cultures and allows for a simple and transparent interpretation and conversion of votes from one system to another.