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euT+ Alliance in Troyee (France)

L'alleanza europea euT+ a Troyes (France) per lo Staff meeting dal 23 al 25 gennaio 2024

Il team UNICAS che ha partecipato ai workshop e seminari in occasione del Week meeting organizzato dall'Université Technologique de Troyes 

Nella foto i rappresentanti degli Erasmus Common Office dei 9 partner dell'euT+

Erasmus + Staff mobility per formazione e studneti Erasmus in mobilità incoming presso la Universidad Politécnica de Salamanca (Spagna)

Erasmus Staff


The proposed Erasmusday aims at disseminating among students, staff and stakeholders the importance of including a period of intercultural experience abroad. The focus is on the fallacies of the widespread narrative about the drawbacks of Erasmus mobilities. Testimonials will share the mobility experiences. During the event, the details of the Unicas partnership in the European University of Technology (Eut+) alliance will be explained and discussed.

Cassino: aula Magna, Palazzo degli Studi - Campus Folcara
Frosinone: aula 1.1 - I piano